Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Getting Started

This blog will be an experiment for me; someone who has never really kept any sort of official blog before, and someone who really has no idea what to put on this giant, blank page.

Seriously. This page is way too white(not the one you're seeing, the one I see).

What do I plan to post on this blog? Information about my Etsy shop, for starters. Maybe a little of my day-to-day life. Probably quite a bit of the random art-related sites I find myself on from time to time. There's also a good possibility that I'll post motivational nonsense and what it's like to be a struggling artist(like there isn't enough of that on the internet already!). I really have no idea.

Whose blog are you reading right now? This blog is owned by a girl in a small apartment with two cats, a fish, too many plants to count, and a gamer boyfriend. A girl with a(somewhat) boring life(I plan to change that) and huge MASSIVE aspirations.

I work in a grocery store, stocking shelves(people need those potato chips). I drive an old, beat up car(I love my car). I practically live on the internet. I have a fondness for colors, ramen noodles, and cats. My apartment is rather cluttered.
Perhaps most importantly, I love to make things.

So does my cat. Maybe.

Like most people who love to make things, I've been creating since I was a kid. All sorts of things. Shiny things. Obnoxious things. Scribbly things. Colorful things. Over-dramatic teenage things. I could go on and on, but basically when I'm not at work or perusing the internet, I'm making things. I love everything. I collect a wide assortment of interesting and useless things. Feathers, rocks, animal figurines, seashells, and all manners of quixotic oddities.

Since I was a kid, I've wanted to go into the arts. It really didn't matter to me how exactly I wedged myself into the massive cacophony of artistic voices, but I knew I wanted to be there. I had a few ideas and more than a few failed plans, but I seem to have settled into some sort of niche. Making jewelry is something that I can do at my own pace, on my own time, and since I'm not creating for someone else, my muse seems to linger around for longer.

My shop is only a few months old right now, but I hope that you'll join me on my adventure into entrepreneurship, and maybe we can help each other grow and settle into our niches in this huge world.
I will be updating this blog at least three times a week, so keep tuned in!

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